Hi, I'm Jason Omilig

I am a performance coach, licensed massage therapist, certified fitness trainer, and proud father. I specialize in helping parents who are disappointed in themselves and feeling stuck in procrastination.

My purpose of coaching is to guide parents through the necessary mindset shifts to be the hero their kids will be proud of. I help my clients get to the bottom of procrastination. We find out why you are avoiding being the best version of yourself. I help parents get clarity then give them the tools to finally WIN!

Before parenthood, I was living my life at a very low energy. I knew I wanted to do spectacular things, but always talked myself out of it. When times got tough, I quit. I settled for less. A lot of times I'd make a decision to quickly back out of taking action. This showed up in my businesses. It put strains on my close relationships. My actions developed a self image I wasn't proud of.

Responsibility Is My Superpower

 When I held my son for the first time on March 12, 2021, at 2:04 a.m., something shifted inside me. I realized that my habit of procrastination wasn’t just affecting me—it was a legacy I couldn’t afford to pass down to my son. I knew I had to re-engineer myself, not just as a father but as a person.

Fast forward five months, I found a mindset performance coach who helped me succeed after a decade of financial struggle. She provided a foolproof plan for success, but I quickly realized that even the best plans can’t overcome deeply ingrained habits. My old nemesis—procrastination—was still holding me back. I vividly remember telling her, "I’m addicted to social media. It takes me hours, days, sometimes months to get started. I don’t know how to break free."

That’s when everything changed. She didn’t just help me with time management; she addressed the core issue—my self-worth. Together, we rewired my unconscious mind, transforming my relationship with hard work and breaking the chains of procrastination. Suddenly, making quick decisive choices that benefited my family became not just possible, but in a light-hearted flow. The enthusiasm to take action was now as accessible to me as the urge to procrastinate once was.

Coaching didn’t just change my habits; it changed my life. I went from struggling to thriving, building a six-figure business in one year, creating a deeper connection with my partner and son, and embracing life with a renewed sense of excitement.

This transformation led me to become a coach myself because I believe in the untapped potential within each person. My mission is to help others break free from the patterns holding them back and finally take the leap toward the life they’ve been avoiding. If you’re ready to create your own success and confront what’s been stopping you, let’s have a conversation.

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